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Schedule and Menu for Utah Horror Night

Tonight's menu we will celebrate the founding of Utah as it's Pioneer day weekend. The theme will be Utah Cuisine. Menu ••• DRINKS -- Beer especially Polygamy Porter, Apple Beer (non-alcoholic), Double Rye Whiskey from High West Distillery in Park City. APPETIZERS -- Deep Fried Zucchini and Sweet Potato Fries MAIN COURSE -- Pastrami Burgers SIDE DISH -- Carrot Salad, Funeral Potatoes, French Fries with Fry Sauce DESSERT -- Apple Pie, Jell-O with fruit in it, make your own Shake Station set up. Schedule

  • 7:30pm -- Have a drink and talk munching on some appetizers. Have a stiff drink of Double Rye to prepare us for the first film.

  • 8:00 -- Serve Dinner

  • 8:15 -- Hereditary

  • 10:15 -- Dessert, Break make your own shake

  • 10:30 -- Carnival of Souls

  • 12:00 -- Finish up

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