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Kids on Bikes Schedule/Menu

Tonight we go back in time to the 80s. Slightly processed. All delicious.

Menu •••

DRINKS -- A good selection of beer: Cutthroat IPA, Sam Adams, Blue Moon, Corona Light and Miller High Life. Seagram's wine coolers. Alcohol to make Sex on the Beach Cocktails. Coke and Diet Coke.

APPETIZERS -- Summer squash baba Ghanoush, potato skins, turnip vol au vent.

MAIN COURSE -- Sloppy Joes, build your own taco salad.

SIDE DISH -- Watermelon

DESSERT -- Banana dirt cups.


  • 7:30pm - Appetizers and Super Mario Brothers

  • 8:00 -- Serve Dinner

  • 8:15 -- Watch stranger things episode 5

  • 9:30 -- Bathroom Break, dessert.

  • 9:45 -- Watch Episode 6

  • 11:00 -- Get a cocktail, bathroom break watch episode 7

  • 12:30 -- Finish up

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