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Ghost Kill Frozen Banana Pops

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

Halloween night of '78 was a memorable experience for me. I had my victims for the night, and Michael, he had his. I prided myself on making all of mine look like accidents, so that none were the wiser and by morning of November 1 I was a distant memory erased by the bodies old Mikey left in his wake.

We were to meet up at the Wallace home that night and share one last farewell before we parted our ways. I got there just in time to see Bob Simms hanging around in the kitchen and for Mikey to take Lynda's breath away with that good ol' boy charm of his. I was inspired.


Here is the scene that inspired the recipe!


I knew I didn't have much time to share with my friend. I couldn't let the night get away from our special moment, so I immediately went to work. There were some bananas left on the counter. I found a cookie sheet, slapped some tin foil on there and greased it. Then I peeled and cut the bananas in half. There was some Popsicle sticks and Styrofoam in the living room, no doubt left over from some kiddie craft project from earlier in the day. I stabbed the bananas with the sticks and shoved them in the icebox to freeze.

I rummaged through the cupboard and found shortening (these days I prefer to use coconut oil), black cake decoration, white baking chocolate as well as some coconut extract. The house didn't have a double boiler so I made due with a pot of boiling water and a metal dish and melted down my chocolate coating.

After about fifteen minutes I took the bananas out and dipped them into the white coating. I then stuck them into a piece of Styrofoam letting them drip and harden. Normally when I do these things I put them in the freezer one more time after they have dripped sufficiently in the upright position, but there was no time.

I hastily grabbed a few white wine glasses from the cupboard and filled them with Reese's Pieces that were meant for the trick or treaters and gave them goofy dork glasses just like Bob's. It was a pretty good presentation if I do say so myself.

After Michael had savored the sweet sweet last breaths of Lynda he came slowly and confidently down the stairs and saw what I had prepared for us as a parting toast. He breathed heavier than before and I knew my friend was pleased. We sat down on the sofa and enjoyed our triumphant moments. We clinked glasses and appreciated our snacks in the dark, relishing the deaths of our slain victims.


Ghost Death Frozen Banana Pops

Yield: 14
Inactive time: 1 Hour
Active time (prep and cook): 25 Minutes
  • Pam Coconut Oil Spray

  • 7 Bananas

  • 2 11 0z bags of White Chocolate Chips

  • 1/3 cup Non-Hydrogenated pure Coconut Oil

  • 1½ tsp Imitation Coconut Flavor

  • Black Edible Decoration Gel

  • Enough Reese’s Pieces to fill 14 glasses of your choice


1. Cover a 16X12 inch cookie pan with aluminum foil and spray it with the Pam so that the bananas don’t stick.

2. Peel and cut bananas in half and insert with Popsicle sticks.

3. Place Bananas on the cookie pan and place in the freezer for at least 15 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, while the bananas are freezing fill a lower compartment of a double boiler with water and place on the stove. Turn the heat on high.

5. While the water heats up to a boil add the white chocolate chips, coconut oil, and coconut flavor to the upper compartment of the double boiler.

6. When the water is boiling from below lower the heat to medium so that the water is a simmer. Let the ingredients melt stirring occasionally with a spoon until it is of a desirable consistency. It should drip off the spoon and have the consistency of paint.

7. Lower the heat to medium low.

8. Bring the bananas out of the freezer. Working quickly roll and dip the bananas in the white chocolate mixture. If you wait too long the chocolate is difficult to work with. It will still be tasty but it will be more of a paste like consistency.

9. Stick the pops in a piece of Styrofoam allowing the coating to drip. Leave them there to harden. About 10 Minutes.

10. Re-grease the cookie sheet if you need to and place the banana pops in the freezer and let freeze for at least one hour.

11. Right before it is time to serve them stick in glasses of Reese’s Pieces and paint some glasses on them with the black decoration Gel.

Additional Information

  • If placed in a sealable bag or Tupperware container they are good for up to one week.

  • Use whatever candy you want in the glasses. I think Reese’s Pieces goes with the banana flavor, kind of like the classic Elvis Sandwich of peanut butter and banana.

  • Get creative with the faces. Smileys, frowns, vampire teeth, etc.

  • These are great as a summer snack as well. Just serve them as is with no candy or faces and they are a great summer time treat that’s high in potassium.

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1 Comment

Richard Talley
Richard Talley
Jul 13, 2020

This is great! Keep it going please.

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